I have abandoned my home, I am not safe.
I’m wandering alone, Looking for some place. Searching high and low, Armored with love in a shell, I cannot find a home to call my own.
I fear this homeless place, Will I be alone and cold, Nowhere do I belong , ashamed I hide my face.
As I scrub the pots,my daily chore, I recognize a thought that aches in my heart, and makes it drop to the floor. I lost my way home.
I have abandoned my own soul, all of these years. Couldn’t find safety, Drowned in so many tears.
I wandered away, following the voices outside of me.
I kept listening to what THEY say. Wandering further and further away.
I had abandoned my home.
How would I ever feel safe, protected from the evils of life ?
Drifting through the winds of change, No roots to hold me, Oh how my heart shivers, of how the future will be.
I know!
I will disguise myself as one of them. I will hide and numb, and follow, and be a good wife.
I floated through life mostly this way. Until one day, she came to me and without a word , I remembered I had a home.
I tried to follow her.
I got lost.
I couldn’t find her, where did she go?
Searching everywhere, I found her finally, Within my soul.
Her whispers and laughter seducing me back to her. My heart soared, reunited I asked her where did she go?
In her way, she laughed and smiled, I looked closer , I saw a soul so wild!
Could it really be?
She led me back to the place I began.
The home from where I had ran.
The home of the true heart and soul,
This place of remembrance of a life wild and whole.
I am home.